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Re: 2 problems....worried

<< The second problem is that I think that most of Level B is going to be too easy. >>

definitely. i started with level C for my 7yo/2nd grader who was hating/struggling with math and didn't have any of her facts internalized. it was perfect.

i'm using level b with my *5* yo, who albeit EG or PG, is still 5. She skips many lessons and we often combine 7 or 8 lessons into one.

<< But looking over the workbook pages and lesson book, a lot of it will be review, but presented in a different way. This is not all bad really, but I'm wondering if I shouldn't get Level C,>>

get C and don't make her do all of the review/repetition if she doens't need it...just pick the hardest one or one of every 3. even my math averse child 'gets it' very quickly and needs very little review....just a problem here or there picked as we go.

Katherine in atl