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Re: special needs son

Dear Laura,

Thank you for posting your questions. You will be pleased to read that the Level Books are very well written and are not in a childish way at all, therefore any age can work through these levels feeling quite assured that it is age appropriate.

As far as what level to begin your son, I would recommend that you go to the homeschool page on this website, then go to Level B, and C and download the objectives and table of contents of each level to see where you think your son would be. Remembering that RightStart is a full comprehensive curriculum that includes geometry, fractions, word problems as well as computational skills you will most likely find that he will be able to do some of what's in these different levels. The part that you will need to decide is what level will work best for him. You, of course can move through the levels at a pace that works best for him which may mean working though 2 to 5 lessons at a time at some places and then working for 2 days on another lesson.

I am more than willing to talk through any of this with you if you'd like. You can certainly email me directly with your phone number and I will call you back. Please include the time zone you live in and when it would work best for me to give you a call. Also you are welcome to post more questions and or email as well.

Thank you for looking to give your son a RightStart in math.

Sincerely, Rosine