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Re: RS and counting

Dear Katie,

Thank you for your post. I'm am pleased to read that you recognize that your son is able to add double digit numbers, something that is not asked in PS screening or for Kindergarten readiness. Counting bears and putting them in a container does not show a child's ability to problem solve. What does he do when you ask him to show 10 on the abacus? Does he count them out or move all 10 beads? I hope he moves all ten beads because he is able to see the 5 and 5. He does not need to rely on counting to "see" quantities.

Please know that your son is not behind other kindergarten children. You can certainly take comfort in this. All you need to do is look at any traditional kindergarten text to be quickly comforted in the fact that RightStart is setting a firm foundation of math understanding for your child. I would like to invite you to consider continuing to homeschool your son in math even if you do choose to send him to PS for the rest of his education. This is what I do with my children. I do this because I have a passion for how I believe math can be taught for understanding and I believe that RightStart is the curriculum that teaches for understanding like no other curriculum.

I know this answer is more than the question you asked. Yes, your son will be able to count out quantities when needed and he will grow in this skill as he matures in his understanding of math concepts. however, do note that there really are few times in our lives when we are asked to count things out by ones. The most we are ever asked to do this has traditionally been in an elementary classroom.

Please feel free to post, email or call with any other RS questions you might have.

Sincerely, Rosine