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transitions or activities for al abacus

I am thinking of using level b with my younger children this next school year. I have several older children that need some remediation, they are currently doing Saxon 54,65,76 and 87. I am trying to decide if they should go through the activities for al abacus or should we just go through the transitions and see what level they need?

Re: transitions or activities for al abacus

Dear Rebecca,

My first thought is to recommend working through the transition book because it will lead you into the RightStart curriculum which is a fully comprehensive curriculum. The Activities for the ALabacus book only works through computational skills using the abacus, such as +, -, x, and division.

So, in essence it depends what your end goal is as to what you choose to work in. If you want to move your children into the RightStart curriculum than work through the transition book. If you want to clear up an understanding of how to do the basic math facts than work through the Activities for the ALabacus.

Please feel free to email, post or call with comments related to this post or with further questions you might have.

Sincerely, Rosine