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Move to Level B

Dear Ellen,
Thank you for your post. You are right when you state that maybe you should move to Level B. You can start with the lessons around lesson 20. Yes, do feel free to speed up the process and do a few different lessons at a time. With your son's intensity to move beyond what you are showing him related to the abacus you may want to consider looking at the text Activities for the ALabacus because than you can explore all of the addition at once etc. The only problem with this text is that it's not a full comprehensive curriculum like the RightStart curriculum is therefore missing the geometry part as well as other concepts.

You can certainly combine lessons and do more than one lesson a session. However, from what you are saying Level A is too easy for your son.

Feel free to give us a call on the customer service/information line, email or post any other questions you have.

Thanks for giving your child a RightStart in math.

Sincerely, Rosine