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forgotton branch/ leo lilly?

I am wondering if any one knows Leo Lilly he was the son of Earl and Dempsy Lilly. I don't know if he is even alive. He would be well over 70. His sister Mary Jean Lilly Cecil was my grandmother. I don't want any thing from him nor do I want trouble for him. He might like to know that the source of his trouble (Jean?) has passed away. I have pictures of his family and him and would love to be able to give them to someone.
Also I am from a forgotton branch on the Lilly tree. My greatgrand father was Earl Leo Lilly. His brothers and sisters were Pansy Lilly Kessinger, Clara Lilly Moye, Lydia Lilly, and Dr. Oswald Lilly. There parents were John Wallace Lilly and Molly Eppling. John Wallace's brothers and sisters included Alabama Lilly, Simion Lilly, Malinda Lilly Chamberlin, Sarah Lilly and about 4-6 others I can't remember off the top of my head. There Dad's name was Willima "Hickory Bill" Lilly I have there moms name to but I cannot remember it right now. I can go all the way back to Robert Lilly. This branch seems to have no family. But I know they exsited and I would love to hear from any one who is even a millonth cousin off my branches Please email me

Can You Trace Your Line To Robert Lilly ? yes