ADHD & Aspergers Forum

ADHD, Aspergers and related disorders :- Post your questions, or just make your opinion known. Tell us if you have ADHD/Aspergers and what life is like for you. Or are you a parent who would like to share your experiences or need advice from others. Feel free to post your comments but remember to consider the feelings of others. The opinions expressed here are those of individuals and not those of professionals and may not reflect the views of the host. Discression is advised when ascertaining the validity of message contents. Stay safe - do not give out your address or phone number. :-)

ADHD & Aspergers Forum
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Thank for all the help

Just want to thank everyone who gave me advice when I was struggling to cope with Dale at school.
He has now had his statmenting and we are slowly progressing with his work.
His behaviour is still bad but I hope this will start to fizzle out soon.

Thanks again all and I will keep visiting this site...

Re: Thank for all the help

Please don't give up on a diagnosis? It took me years to get one, But when you do, you get more help in school. I've been through what you have and i know it is hard being single and all. If you need a friend to talk to, feel free to email me anytime you need too. Doctors and pschiatrist's try to talk you out of the condition, but don't let them.
Thinking of you