ADHD & Aspergers Forum

ADHD, Aspergers and related disorders :- Post your questions, or just make your opinion known. Tell us if you have ADHD/Aspergers and what life is like for you. Or are you a parent who would like to share your experiences or need advice from others. Feel free to post your comments but remember to consider the feelings of others. The opinions expressed here are those of individuals and not those of professionals and may not reflect the views of the host. Discression is advised when ascertaining the validity of message contents. Stay safe - do not give out your address or phone number. :-)

ADHD & Aspergers Forum
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Asperger's and/or ADHD?

Hello everyone. We have a first-grader who we love very much, but have been extremely challenged by. As soon as he learned to stand and walk, he started spinning, and gleefully throwing himself into things, into walls, or onto the floor. Although his dad and I aren't sports fans per se, he loved sports (football, basketball, soccer) very early because he delighted in watching people fall down. For awhile, he thought that was the entire point of the game! :)

He basically taught himself to read at 18 months. He lined up flash cards like solitaire hands. Since he was about four, he's been able to read just about anything you could show him. He may not understand it, but he still reads with almost spookily-perfect and mature-sounding inflection, and takes punctuation very seriously. He's always had a problem with the pitch and volume of his voice - always WAY TOO LOUD! Nomatter where we are, and even when he's happy and even when you're standing right next to him, he yells everything. He also very often talks baby talk, or gibberish, in a very high-pitched, very screechy voice.

He also seems often oblivious to other people's moods or needs. He wants to have friends, but only so they can sit and listen to him read to them, or so he can play their videogames. He either ignores kids or bosses them around - or tries to entertain them all, leaping around and shrieking and talking loudly and throwing himself on the floor at their feet.

He loves insects and videogames and music and vehicles and football/soccer and other contact sports. We thought he would love karate, but for whatever reason, he didn't take to it.

He doesn't seem to need much sleep, can be extremely defiant and even fall into uncontrollable screaming and tantrums (when he was 3 he tried to throw a rock through his bedroom window).

HOWEVER, he is a basically sweet, extremely bright little boy, and many people find him delightful to be around, at least in small doses. We love him dearly, and have worked hard on our parenting skills and patience with him. Two months ago, we finally decided to try Concerta, and the change has been pretty amazing for us. He's done really well on his schoolwork this year, and except for a few small incidents, his behavior has been tolerable.

We keep going back and forth with a therapist and the school nurse (and each other) about whether he has ADHD, Asperger's, or both, or neither. I'd appreciate hearing other's opinions, from your own experiences. Thanks in advance.

Re: Asperger's and/or ADHD?

my son is also on concerta which works wonders with his concentration he has adhd and borders on autism spectrum he diagnosed a year ago a lot of your sons ailments sound the same but many r different so maybe it is both

Re: Asperger's and/or ADHD?

My ten year old son was diagnosed with adhd four years ago. He was prescribed ritalin, and once the right dosage was found, his school and home life improved drammactically. My eight year old daughter was also diagnosed the same two years later. She takes equasym, but is still very loud , moody, rude etc. Today my son was diagnosed with asperger's. It wasn't a shock, and by reading your comments, I feel your little star could be the same. Bear in mind though, there are a lot of similiraties between the two

Re: Asperger's and/or ADHD?

Hi, My son is nearly 14 now and since the age of 2 we have been trying to get a diagnosis, at first we were told maybe aspergers, then maybe adhd, and finally they have come up with DAMP(developmental disorder of attention, motor skills and perception). I have found that his problems have changed through the years, from attention disorder, through relationship problems to violence in the home. My biggest problem is that he is amodel pupil at school, and saves it all for at home. At the moment he either loves me to distraction, continually wanting hugs, kisses etc, or hates me and tries to strangle, hit and generally abuse me. He still doesnt sleep through the night, and cant get to sleep on his own

Re: Asperger's and/or ADHD?

hi i was just reading the site and came up to your situation you share i have a son who is my second and last child he is aspergers, adhd, ocd, odd and he is taking concerta, risperdal, and trileptal he is 6yrs old and i had noticed along with his preschool teacher that something was very different he is highly functionalable talks out of turn, wants things his way and has lost many friends over it is very bright not as quick like your son but he does learn quickly he is very clingy and he is very sensitive but also cannot let go of things that happen is very repetative. Just want to mention i live in nj and im trying to find some financial help we have insurance but between his meds and his doctors its pretty heavy in finances 300.00 per month or so and that s not even including if he gets sick or if my older daughter needs a doctor do you know of any web sites that can help im so happy i found your story thank you and hope to talk sooon please email or im me on aim

Re: Re: Asperger's and/or ADHD?

did you or his father use any recreational drugs or alcohol before conception? this can sometimes help sort things out.