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Re: Re: Concerta & E numbers

Hi Anj,
Thanks for your reply,his consultant phoned me back yesterday and has agreed to him going on 36mg as of today. This morning i gave him the 36mg of Concerta and the difference was amazing,he was much calmer,not fighting with his sister and sat peacefully for an hour and half while on computer, and you could have a conversation with him.
His consultant explained that 18mg of concerta was = to 15mg of Ritalin, which explain how he had been for last 3 days,he was used to 25mg Ritalin, and 36mg of concerta is = to 30mg Ritalin.
Anyway sanity has once again resumed and he is happy as i have let him play outside today,no way was he going out there yesterday lol.
Dayle is due to start high school in sept and he will stay on packed lunches as school dinners contain far to many additives and E numbers. I just wish the goverment would change how school dinners are done, cause i have heard many a teacher say that in the afternoon the kids in there school seem so much worse.

Anyway many thanks for your reply,and i wish you continued success with your son.
Not sure i am looking forward to Dayle hitting his teens lol just have to see how it goes.

Joanne ( who is much today )

Re: Concerta & E numbers

hi my son started on 18mg concerta and at first he went worse when went back they increased it to 36mg this was amazing when i could get him to take it he was only 11 he seemed to have so much concentration but his agression was worse i took him back and they increased it again to 56mg and put himon risperodol he is so much better i can compromise more with him and he knows how much better he feels i do worry about the dose but am assured it is not harmful