ADHD & Aspergers Forum

ADHD, Aspergers and related disorders :- Post your questions, or just make your opinion known. Tell us if you have ADHD/Aspergers and what life is like for you. Or are you a parent who would like to share your experiences or need advice from others. Feel free to post your comments but remember to consider the feelings of others. The opinions expressed here are those of individuals and not those of professionals and may not reflect the views of the host. Discression is advised when ascertaining the validity of message contents. Stay safe - do not give out your address or phone number. :-)

ADHD & Aspergers Forum
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ADHD/Asperger`s Syndrome

Hello there
I have not been on the site for a while, but i need some advice and hope that somebody might be able to help me. My son has been on concerta now for the last 18 months and things were not going well, so after speaking to the doctor on Monday he said we should try my son on a different medication called "Strattera" has anybody got any expirience with this medication and could maybe let me know what they think of it.
Thank you.

Re: ADHD/Asperger`s Syndrome

Hi Tanya
Strattera hasn't been available in the uk as long as it has in the usa. It is a non-stimulant drug that is supposed to be better at helping children with ADHD. I am afraid that I can not tell you much more than that as my son was prescribed Ritalin and later concerta, but I have found a few links on the internet that you might find interesting....
Hope some of this helps

Re: Re: ADHD/Asperger`s Syndrome

Hi Anj
Thank you very much i will read my way through them sites and will let you know ok.

Re: ADHD/Asperger`s Syndrome

My son has ADHD and took staterra for a few weeks. This was not to our advantage, unfortunately he reacted really bad to it. He had terrible stomach pains to the point he was vomiting and i have never experienced such violent behavior. He was attacking all of us including me. I'd say give it a go but if it doesn't suit, take him straight off it as it takes a few days to come out of the system. The upside to this medication is it is non addictive.

Re: Re: ADHD/Asperger`s Syndrome

Hi there
Thank you so much for that massage,we also had one day where he was feeling quiet sick and was very sleepy . We have just started the higher dosage now and i will keep a close eye on him and see how it goes . Is your son back on the concerta now?

Re: Re: Re: ADHD/Asperger`s Syndrome

No, he is on slow release ritalin called Equaym. This one lasts for 8 hours to cover school time so he isn't getting excluded all the time. Where as staterra has a sedative in it this one stops him from sleeping, but it does suit him alot better. The original ritalin was also good but daniel used to come down off it with such a bump. The doctor did say that dan did have most unusual side effect with the straterra and she had never heard of it causing someone to be more violent, but it was unbearable to be near him and he's only 11 years old. He would attack you for saying hello to him it was that bad, thank god its been sorted out now.