ADHD & Aspergers Forum

ADHD, Aspergers and related disorders :- Post your questions, or just make your opinion known. Tell us if you have ADHD/Aspergers and what life is like for you. Or are you a parent who would like to share your experiences or need advice from others. Feel free to post your comments but remember to consider the feelings of others. The opinions expressed here are those of individuals and not those of professionals and may not reflect the views of the host. Discression is advised when ascertaining the validity of message contents. Stay safe - do not give out your address or phone number. :-)

ADHD & Aspergers Forum
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parent of teenager with aspergers?

Probably. At the end of the tether! History of self-harm and lack of peer relationships. Reluctance to have emotional contact but prone to emotional outbursts (usually aggressive but not normally violent). Battling the system. Since an overdose in Feb 04 it has taken until now to get the report from a psycologist who is reluctant to define this as aspergers. Admitting many traits do point towards AS, because my daughter seems to be missing an obsessive interest (discounting the fact that she spends hours and hours and hours with her computer) she is unwilling to confirm this. Daughter now 17, and we are expected to wait another 9 months til she becomes 18 and hand her over to adult psyciatric services and start all over again. I'm acutely aware then that I will have no rights to her health care if she doesn't want me to. And yet I know she needs help. Where can I go now?