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Get This Shit Up

Hey members the day is here and I'm ready to rock. Hope everyone has a good time at this years festivities. I know I will. Thanks for everyone participation and good attitudes over the past few rainy days. This year has to be the best year so far. I am already thinking about next year. Hopefully I with Buds help will be able to get the Discount Transmissions house for a haunt next year. There hasn't been any negotiating though. This three story building is a diamond in the rough. We will need plenty of sponsors to ensure that the insurance and fire codes are taken care of. So keep your eye out for people you know and that can help us. This year may have been our biggest and best so far, but I have a feeling that next year is going to be the year. We say this every year but with new experience and trial and error the 1031 productions has learned a lot of the new tricks of the trade. So don't give up hope and help us find a place to haunt indoors. Thanks again. Your Friend STAKED

PS: remember get this **** up and if the knife hasn't hit a main artery try another spot.
aaaaaaa What the Hell?