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Saturday, July 29 Ice Cream Social and Time Trial

It's a GO for tomorrow's ride. The weather is looking to be almost as hot as the sizzling speeds we anticipate for the time trial. Given the extreme heat, there is no issue with starting your ride earlier than official start times. We plan to arrive around 7:30. Do plan your ride so that you arrive back no later than 11:00am deadline. Ice Cream floats will be served under the pavilion shortly after 11:00am and age group awards by 11:15.

If you plan to participate in the Time Trail, be sure your Strava account is set to public and that you record the ride. Also make sure you RSVP on RWGPS web site.

We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. Bring your A game, the competition is going to be HOT!

Re: Saturday, July 29 Ice Cream Social and Time Trial

Be sure to download the current routes.

30 mile route:

45 mile route: