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Want to buy time trial bike

I have a friend looking for a time trial bike large frame 58,59 cm. Doesn't have to be already set up for time trial but one that would be suitable.

Please reply if you know of one.

DON'T Want to buy time trial bike ; V (

Cancel the request for a used time trial bike. I was trying to find one for a friend that had borrowed mine to prepare for a triathlon. He said he was looking for a bike so he could return mine. This week he wrote back to me and said, "quit looking for a bike for me. Bike riding is too HARD!" And he's a marathoner! I replied, "Ha! running is a WHOLE lot harder than bike riding."


Re: DON'T Want to buy time trial bike ; V (

He....will be back when those knees and ankles give out...there a many former runners in our club! :sunglasses:

Re: DON'T Want to buy time trial bike ; V (

Copy that, Ghost Rider -
from a "has to run cuz it's at the end of a triathlon" gal.
LOVE to Ride -
Run....Not so much!