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Block the Track - a second try

First off, a big thank you to Terry O'Hare for showing up yesterday (Tuesday) and riding a section of Spanntown for the Block the Track video. They actually got some video of him to include in their efforts.

The organization of this was a bit off. Chalk it up to 'first time doing this' on the part of the organizer.

What we are trying to do is use every angle we can to convince the county officials that putting a 'motorsports enclave' on New Castle and Spanntown roads is not a good idea. The video is to show people using/enjoying Spanntown in ways that would be incompatible with the traffic that would be generated. You don't have to be a Spanntown Rd resident. Just someone who would be impacted, as all cyclists who ride this road would.

To that end, I'd like to make one more "ask". If those of you who make a regular Saturday morning ride would take a route that could include Spanntown, coming up from Almaville Rd, we can coordinate with the organizer to get coverage. I was thinking a normal Indepenent Hill route for your Saturday ride, with a short side trip up a section of Spanntown. If it is agreeable, I can have a water stop on my front porch. For those who don't know, I live on Spanntown, just off Almaville Rd, directly behind Locke Memorial UMC.

If you'd agree to do this, it would be much appreciated. When you arrive at my house, I can text the organizer (she'l be on standby) and she will come make the video.

Just let me know as soon as possible, and I'll coordinate at the other end.

Even if you don't want to make the ride, just showing up with your bike and making a 1/4 mile ride would help.

Re: Block the Track - a second try

Can I start using this forum to rally for causes dear to me on my side of town?

Re: Block the Track - a second try

Yes Todd - if its has an impact on cycling - and advocacy can help - please do use this message board! Let us know how we can help!

Re: Block the Track - a second try

I would agree if it were strictly concerned with cycling. It seems this is less a case for that then with NIMBY.

Re: Block the Track - a second try

Todd, while it may seem like NIMBY (that entire concept is a whole other discussion) the concern for cyclists is that this would effectively remove yet one more prime cycling road from our possible routes. As it is, I see cyclists riding past my house on Spanntown almost daily. The traffic this project would bring would make Spanntown a 'no go zone' for cyclists.

- Ed Stevens, 20-year MBC member

Re: Block the Track - a second try

Ed & Sarah - I'm probably more on your side about this then you may think. More thoughts on this when I get back into town in a couple of days.