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Saturday - February 15 - Ride from Bell Buckle 11:30 a.m.

Let's keep our Hearts Happy and go ride some hills on Saturday - work off that Valentine Day Dinner and candy!

I have a little something for everyone. We will start at the Bell Buckle Park

24 miles - market a bit off route at mile 16 - take a right down Hwy 64 to the Marathon Gas Station.

29 miles - market a bit off route at mile 21 - take a right down Hwy 64 to the Marathon Gas Station.

39 miles - market a bit off route at mile 23 - take a right down Hwy 64 to the Marathon Gas Station.

Routes stay together for 9 miles.

And since this IS Tennessee, and it's only Tuesday - be sure to check back Friday evening or Saturday morning for updates. It could be more torrential downpours, Spring, or a foot of snow by Saturday. :sunglasses:

Re: Saturday - February 15 - Ride from Bell Buckle 11:30 a.m.

Let's hope it's nice Saturday--or at least no rain or snow! See you there.

Re: Saturday - February 15 - Ride from Bell Buckle 11:30 a.m.

I'm in!