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Dog on 99

Howdy Y'all!

Long time, no post.

Just wanted to warn you guys of a dog that was not controlled on Hwy 99 coming into the Boro just past the Rockvale post office as you start to climb that last lump before the Rockvale schools. This dog chased me hard enough and aggressively enough that I drifted out into traffic to get away from him and didn't realize it. I'm going back tomorrow to talk to the owner and make sure they realize how dangerous this dog is, but I wanted to give you guys a heads' up.

Be safe,

Greg (Bent Bacchetta!)

Re: Dog on 99

Hey Greg - be sure to call Animal Control as well - they're very good about going out and reminding folks of the leash laws, and they will follow-up any complaint that we file.

You can reach them at 615-898-7740.

Stay safe out there!


And you need the address when calling animal control

Also, unless things have changed, animal control is restricted to staying in their county.

Someone bit this morning dog has his shots animal control called owner talked to.

Re: Someone bit this morning dog has his shots animal control called owner talked to.

oh no! Who? are they okay?