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Tuesday NIGHT RIDE Patterson 5:30 Start.

Here are two routes for Tuesday's Night ride....yup it's that time of the year, night riding season.

we can decide which one to do on the day of the ride. (Personally I'm shooting for the 31.)

31.2 miles
20.3 miles
Routes don't cross 99 or 41 just to keep it simple.

Sunsets at ~6:13 PM so the first 10 or so miles will have some light. But the Light will fade fast.

Required to ride_____________________
1.Rear blinky light
2.Strong Front light
4. Many need something warm starting temp will be around 68 and failing (Base Layer, long fingered gloves.

Make sure your lights are charged and that your front light is bright enough to ride at night.

As with any night ride we will keep together. There maybe some fast riding in the flats (+19). If we break up we will regroup and we'll all need to make sure no one is left alone

I will not bring Cue sheets so please print your own.

I'm in

See you there.