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Cyclist's Death update!obituaries/c10af

Just wanted you to know I have reached out to Mr. McCulloch's Law Firm, Family, and close Friend and expressed our deepest sympathy at their loss. The Club will be making a donation in Mr. McCulloch's memory and all are appreciative of that gesture. Please keep his family - and especially his daughter in your thoughts and prayers.

Re: Cyclist's Death update

Sarah, thank you for representing the Club so well in reaching out to this family. I appreciate your leadership and all you do for us. You bring lots of joy to many people!


Re: Cyclist's Death update

Sarah. Thank you for your never ending dedication to the MBC and all the responsibilities that go along with it. You are a GREAT asset to the club. I appresiate all you do in so many ways. Bill

Re: Cyclist's Death update

I cannot stop thinking about Mr McCulloch. I rode up as everything was happening,so very sad. I said prayers for him all the way back to the school - where I found out for sure that he had passed. It's really been heavy on my mind how very precious Life, and Family are. THANK YOU so very much for reaching out to his Daughter, Family, Friends, and Colleagues. I pray for them also in the sudden loss of their dear loved one. I cannot imagine... :(
So very Kind and Loving of you and the MBC to extend a kind heart and donation in Mr McCulloch's honor. Thanks again. Melissa