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Hot-100 Recumbent

I'll be riding the Hot-100 this weekend. It's going to be my first climbing ride on my new recumbent. Will a 11-32 gear be enough for this years course?

I am from Florida so I know will be struggling with the real climbs.



Re: Hot-100 Recumbent

Troy Most rides from Lascassas Elementry School have climbs with them. The Metric & Centry are HILLY and the same route for the first 41 miles then they break off at Milton and a reststop so at that time you can decide weather the Metric is enough or go for a few more hills and the Centry. Either is a good test of your legs and an 11-32 gear.

Got another cluster?

You don't say how much, how far or how fast you ride but you could just throw another cluster on for a while.

One rider thought the hills were monsters. We run them all the time and don't think twice about it. This ain't FL.

Perhaps Steve will post what he runs on his recumbent.

Do come ride. There are lots of good roads on the route.

Re: Hot-100 Recumbent

Although their may be different effects from gearing options between road and recumbent bikes, I feel your 32 should be more than sufficient. I run a 53/39 with either an 11/26 or 11/28 and I am able to climb these hills. These hills may seem challenging when you are used to riding in Florida, but perhaps your training in windy conditions will compensate for the lack of climbing experience.

The road conditions are good and it should be a nice ride for any type of bike.

Re: Hot-100 Recumbent

Hey Troy,

Sorry to get to this so late but I was out of town for several days and am just now getting around to checking on things. I wouldn't worry at all. I looked at the grade percentages on RideWithGPS and it looks like the worst climb is rated at just over 10%. I ride with a 12-27 and a compact double on my M5 and would normally have no trouble (I have had some health issues lately so you won't be seeing me out there). You're a lot stronger than I am so the 11-32 should be more than enough for the course. It appears that the hills aren't super steep, there are just a lot of them on the 100-mile route.

Have fun,

Re: Hot-100 Recumbent

Thank you everyone for the advise! Of course shortly after placing a rush order for a Sram11-36 cassette, my plans once again changed and I won't make it to the Hot-100. I do plan on bring my M5 CHR racing recumbent up next weekend for the Clarksville Sunrise Century. Hope to see you then.

Have fun and be safe, and thank you once again.