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Good Friday 55+ miler

For those who have Friday available, I am planning a 9:00 a.m. ride from the Warren County Courthouse, Public Square, McMinnville. This ride will have one major climb up Old Harrison Ferry Mountain Road with new pavement and zero traffic. This climb is as good as any on 3S3M and will be good training for those headed to Chattanooga next month. After a long spell on HWY 8, we will turn north on the Rocky River Road and travel through one of the most beautiful roads in the area. We will make our way to Campaign then turn back west to McMinnville while passing the Rock Martin house which was visited by Andy "By God" Jackson, Lafayette, and Ole Bedford. I will not make the ride unless someone posts a response indicating a desire to make the journey. There is one store at the 3/4 mark.

Re: Good Friday 55+ miler

Not sure I will be able to swing it, but I am interested in seeing the route. Can you post it with ride with gps so I can have that route for the future just in case I can't make it? Sounds like an awesome ride.

Re: Good Friday 55+ miler

I navigate by compass and dead reckoning. I am sorry that I can't get you what you need. The route will bear southeast along HWY 8 and Old Harrison Ferry Mtn. roads until turning north on Rocky River Road crossing HWY 30 to Goodbar and Turkeyscratch Mtn into Campaign and a turn to the southwest on the old Sparta road back to McMinnville. Let me know if you plan to make the ride. The route up Old Harrison Ferry is the best climb to Plateau I know.

Re: Good Friday 55+ miler


I'd come, but I checked and it's a 3 hour round trip drive for me. That, plus 3-4 hours of riding is longer than my dog can cross her legs. If Lisa and the girls were home to take care of her, I'd join you. Hopefully you'll do it again another time. It sounds great.


Dog Sitter

Hey mark. I can't make it so if you really want to go you can drop you pup at my place. I have plenty of crates.

Re: Good Friday 55+ miler

Due to lack of interest, the ride is cancelled.