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Friday morning ride.

Having driven over 1700 miles during the past 6 days I need to get back on the bike.
I plan to ride at 7 am from the Erma Siegel Elementary school on Thompson Lane. I will be marking my route for this Sunday.
I hope you can join me. You will be back home in time to see the last 2 hours of coverage of the TDF stage.
20-25 miles and no one dropped.
Cary- 893-0721

Re: Friday morning ride.

The route for Sundays ride is now marked. (22 miles) through the beautiful Leanna countryside.
I hope many of you will come out on Sunday. Ride leaves at 4 pm from Erma Siegel Elementary School on Thompson Lane.. The weather forecast is outstanding!


Re: Friday morning ride.

Glad you're back Cary.....we missed ya!!