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11th Annual Two County Metric, April 18th

TCM is still a beautiful route, even on a cold, cloudy day like this morning was. Thanks, Aaron, for leading the ride, and I hope lots of folks will come out Saturday, 18th, for the real adventure, the 11th Annual Two County Metric!!!

Re: 11th Annual Two County Metric, April 18th

I enjoyed the ride today and getting to see my friends!! Everyone is riding so good!!

The route is awesome and challenging. Please come out so Brandon and I can get you or your buddies registered. I'm looking forward to seeing more old buddies coming out for the ride.

This means you - Guy Anderson and Jim Reynolds!!

Make sure to come by and say, "Hi" at the TCM-!!

Larry Kirk - Happy 65th Birthday!!

Re: 11th Annual Two County Metric, April 18th

What do you mean thanks? I didn't do anything :)Thanks to Alex for having the roads marked, and Sara and Sarah for leading alternate rides.