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Cycling "season" and ATB/Cross

For those of you who aren't aware, or don't care, but are just killing time whilst we endure the arctic conditions of late, here are some options for the competitive set. Also options for those who'd like to stand around and clank cowbells. (more cowbell)

Cross series abound right now. Our closest bunch for that is CCC. They've already had one weekend of it (Jan 3/4 and the next one is _whoops_ today and tomorrow. You must click on their flyer link to see sched.

For the fat-tired crew the Snake Creek Gap Time Trial Series started Jan 3 and will be run again Feb 7 and March 7. It's a 34 mile, six-pass, rocky hades in North GA.

No rest for the dirt/sand/rock/barrier and cow-bell loving riders.

And the Chickasaw Trace Classic is just around the corner on March 29--usually the same date as the race at Haw Ridge (K-town area).

If I get my pipes thawed-I may mosey down to Columbia and watch 'em go 'round tomorrow. Cyclocross is the eeasiest to spectate of racing.