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Gym routine for offseason?

I was just curious of what folks might be doing in the gym to stay in riding condition?

Cardio, weights, both, neither??

Re: Gym routine for offseason?

Quite a few do spinner classes, lap swim, yoga, light weights with reps, treadmill.
And a few do 16 ounce curls at Busters.

And a few of us ride outside all winter.


Re: Gym routine for offseason?

Spin class is good for body weight control (esp during holidays), and in general for total body cardiovascular conditioning. Core training would be excellent activity for this time of the year, and weights in general.Of course, all depends on your goals for next season. Email me if you need more info on that.

Re: Gym routine for offseason?

unfortunately my gym stopped spin class a while back. i've been doing a routine that seems to be strengthening my core, but more ideas would be great.

Re: Gym routine for offseason?

even if you can't get in a spin class - a stationary bike or a trainer work. I have a trainer if you'd like to try one before you buy one. I'm working out on a cool stationary bike at my gym then hitting the weight machines - focusing on quads, glutes, hams, tricep, pecs, delts, and then doing a killer plank and a couple of other yoga poses for core strength...we'll see if it works come spring. There are some good routines at then click on Fitness.

How many miles have you completed in this year?

try this book?

Josh, coincidentally, velonews is advertising their revised fitness book. I haven't read it so can't recommend it, but anyone that has seen my muscles knows my level of commitment to strength.

Re: Gym routine for offseason?

I've been seriously considering adding yoga to my training regiment. I have gotten considerably stronger from the summer. However, I havent been on the bike in a while so I can't see the return just yet.

Sara I may have to take you up on that offer. Unofficially I think I got in about 1500 miles this year, not as much as I had wanted, but I have made progress in other areas that make up for it.