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The Jim Benson Memorial Bicycle Ride

Hi Everyone,

The ride is on. It will be Sept 8th at 6 pm. The starting point is Siegel HS. Please use the parking lot closest to Thompson Lane. Please please please put this on your calendar and try very hard to attend. Harpeth, Team MTMC, as well as joe public will be there. We need a big show of our support to Jim's family and to bring attention to bicycle safety. Tell everyone you know who rides and has a helmet, come ride with us. The ride will be done in a similar fashion as the ride of silence. Single file, slow speed and without talking. It is in memory of Jim.

If you would like an electronic flyer for distribution with the ride information, please email your address to me.

thanks everyone


Re: The Jim Benson Memorial Bicycle Ride

Also in the B section of today's DNJ