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Anyone interested in early morning summer rides during the week??

Hi All!!
If there is an interest in an early morning ride during the week, I'd be happy to lead it. Please respond on the board if you could make it and when would be good for you. If there is enough feedback, I will get with Sara to make it official. It will also depend on what the club rules dictate. Sara, let me know if this is an option. Thanks!

Re: Anyone interested in early morning summer rides during the week??

I would love to ride in the mornings (any morning is fine for me.)

Re: Anyone interested in early morning summer rides during the week??

Yvonne- I would be interested and would even lead some of them. But early for me would be around 10 -10:30 am since I get off work in Cool Springs at 8 to 8:15 am. I think they can be added to the calendar as club rides as long as someone commits to being there to lead and is a contact person.


Re: Anyone interested in early morning summer rides during the week??


I'm a fan of early morning riding. But, my idea of early is 7:30ish. Wednesday's and Friday's are the most appealing. Since, I like the Tuesday Night at the Races when I can make them...

Re: Re: Anyone interested in early morning summer rides during the week??

Hey Alex, Cary and Eric,
Thanks for your responses!! Sorry I have taken so long to reply but I'm at the beach. We're leaving today and I've been congested with a scratchy throat so I'll have see when will be a good time to arrange the early am ride when I get back. Maybe I can do an alternating schedule or plan an extended one that folks can continue with or start later. What would be a good location for all? I'm in the Blackman area. I could lead a ride that connects to your locations. I like 7:30 and 10:30 is fine too. I'm not a huge early bird fan except when it gets dog hot!! Can you send me an email with your suggestions? I'd be open to committing to lead a majority of the rides as long as I feel like there will be riders present. Thanks!! Anyone else have any comments or suggestions?? Email me!! See you all soon!! Have fun at the luncheon ride today!!