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Cumberland Ride in Ashland City

I missed you all this past weekend. Actually more than you can imagine. It was a great ride along the Cumberland River...except for the crash that was happening around me.

It was a 31 mile route that I let the masses leave before I struck out with Matt (my son). Pretty soon we had caught up with a large group that seemed to moving ok. I moved behind a two person draft that was working its way through the masses. We started down a long hill and along the way I happened to have looked down and saw 36 mph. It was a long hill that you could see the turn at the bottom. Really not a bad hill compared to some that our club has been on.

I let the couple riding in front of me take off as they were riding the center line to pass slower riders. As soon as the front of the group entered the curve, a car was coming the opposite direction. It was riding the yellow line too. Screams, brake pad noise, bikes flipping around seemed to be happening all around me. The girl in the two person draft suddenly was slidding down the road backward with her bike on top of her. Someone else slid down on the other side of me. I was on the brakes praying that I could stop before hitting the girl who was now directly in front of me. Holy moses! I was thinking about an endo over the girl...know what I mean?

The girl and i were looking eye to eye as I finally stopped with my front tire on her rear wheel. Can you say close call. The girl was screaming out in pain as she probably hit the ground around 30 or so. Her closes were shreded. Lots of blood. No broken bones, somehow. The other rider needed stitches for a small cut on his chin. The girl had several finger nails ripped from her hand. Ouch...otherwise, just a lot of road burn. The road was really was a old country road.

Anyway a long story to say...I missed riding with yall. It will be a while before I want to ride with a group of folks that I dont know. Scary stuff...

Re: Cumberland Ride in Ashland City

Wow Steve! I heard something about that at the first rest stop but didn't catch all the details. That was before the 31 and the 61 split wasn't it? I remember an ambulance came screaming by me heading back that way and was afraid that something had happened.

We wondered

We wondered where you were. Glad you're ok.

"It will be a while before I want to ride with a group of folks that I dont know. Scary stuff..."

Even those you do know can make some Darwin Award qualifying moves. Best to go easy on the down hill & stay away from the yellow. Ground & cars hurt. See you Sat??

Re: Cumberland Ride in Ashland City

makes my toes curl remembering my endo and slide down natchez trace....and that was 10 years ago..

SO glad you are safe!! We missed you Saturday. We will miss you this Saturday - going camping and riding in Townsend.

Re: Re: Cumberland Ride in Ashland City

thanks everyone...I have replayed it several times in my mind. There was an omen earlier in the ride when I was following someone about 3 feet behind. All of a sudden they just stopped. No warning. Just stopped. I should have known.

I am not sure about this coming weekend though...I do want to ride....