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New enthusiast

Hello! I am new to cycling (I don't even have a bike yet), but I would like to participate in the Hope On Wheels event on the Natchez Trace in September. Is it realistic to think that a beginning novice could build up to 100 miles riding 2-3 times a week between now and then? Thanks for your input...

Re: New enthusiast

To answer your question, yes. Start off riding 2-3 times a week. Increase your mileage by 10% each week and you should do fine. I would suggest riding some with the club or doing a couple events of shorter distance to get used to riding with a group of riders. You might start with our club's comfort zone rides and work up. But first you need to get a bike. I like MOAB, on N. Maple St., and if you see Mark or Brian they will work with you on finding the right bike for you.
Hope this helps and if you want to discuss in more detail please feel free to email me at or call me at 893-0721.
Cary Way

Re: New enthusiast

Good for you! Cary is so right and have MOAB fit you to a good helmet. We look forward to having you on the club rides, it's fun and safer to ride with a group.

Re: New enthusiast

Check out this read.

There is a ton of other tips/plans you can google also.

I am signed up for that ride already so will c you out there!

Re: New enthusiast

Thanks everyone for your input. I really appreciate it! I went to MOAB today and got measured for a bike. Unfortunately they have to order it so I won't be road ready for a while but I hope to join all of you soon. I also went on line to the link you gave me and it was very helpful. Thanks again and I hope to meet you all soon...