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Tour de Boro

Club members - I don't think this has been publicized yet, so...

Since the Tour de Boro is the same day as would normally be our 'preview ride' of the TCM route, and we have 'previewed' the TCM route many, many times ... the officers decided to dispense with the preview ride this year and encourage everyone to support MTSU's efforts by registering for and rideing the Tour de Boro.

See you on the road. Keep the rubber side down.

Re: Tour de Boro

This Saturday looks good for a long ride....

Re: Tour de Boro

Although it may be known to all, I'm not certain where and when the Tour de Boro is. Can you please give more detail?


Re: Tour de Boro

It's April 14 leaving from Barfield Park at 8:00. Registration begins at 6:30. It is a ride to promote awareness of eating disorders. Check out their website. It's pretty cool