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TCM SAG Support Volunteers

Hey gals and guys. I need at least five volunteers for running SAG support. The job is not overwhelming. Only requirement is that you have a valid drivers license, be sober, and not prone to road rage (OK, I know the last two requirements might limit the available pool of drivers).

Please sign-up now while slots are available. If I don't hear from you soon, I'll have to start making personal individual pleas. U know, the heavy guilt laden stuff that will make you feel like a worm on hot pavement.

Re: TCM SAG Support Volunteers

Scott and Steve,
My nephew is turning 6 years old April 21, so I am going to Memphis that weekend. Otherwise, I would volunteer to help.

Re: TCM SAG Support Volunteers

The youngest slovett daughter Annie is turning 20 April 21!! We thought we'd let her sleep in and take her to dinner after the TCM...if we are still upright and conscious.

Maybe you can help us at the HOT August 25?

It's never too early to recruit volunteers!!

Re: TCM SAG Support Volunteers

I can likely help out. Call me--895-0813 evenings