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Mtn. Bike Chicks and friends................

....... invite you to come out to Long Hunter to mountain bike Sunday, December 3rd. All levels and ages welcome! Anytime 1:30-4:00
Will go out to eat after the ride.......
Chris King

Hope to see you on the trail Eric, Sabrina (and kids), Will and Meg (or was it William and Megan? )

Re: Mtn. Bike Chicks and friends................

it's MEGAN.. :-P

Re: Mtn. Bike Chicks and friends................

"My Name Is Megan"

That sounds like a good name for a TV show.

Re: Mtn. Bike Chicks and friends................

Can't forget about BP!! Keep those Priorities Straight..

Re: Mtn. Bike Chicks and friends................

Come join us! You can ride the trail, get back in your car and turn up the heat to warm up and then hit the trail again

Re: Mtn. Bike Chicks and friends................

I'm trying to get there, but too much work to do!
I may not make it today. Have fun it will be a super day for riding!!

Re: Mtn. Bike Chicks and friends................'d better keep those priorities straight and come out and ride. Did you know exercise grows brain cells? Bring your homework, tape it to your bike and learn the kinesthetic way. You CAN do it!

Re: Mtn. Bike Chicks and friends................

Great ride guys and gals! AND there were no wusses in the woods today they must have all been on that Hilly Billy Adventure Ride