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oral questions

My son is unable to remember oral math problems such as 67 + 27 =

He doesn't have a problem adding them horizonally in his head (without using pencil or paper) if it is written on the board; he just has difficulties remembering all the numbers from step to step with carrying. Honestly, I need to see it written out too.

Note: He can add single digit numbers or more simple problems such as 20 + 40 with just an oral prompt.

Is this an issue? For instance, in Lesson 41 (Level C)I am instructed to read each oral question twice for the review. He can't do this...perhaps even if I repeated the problem 10 times...he needs to be able to SEE it. Any suggestions?

Thank you,

Re: oral questions

Dear Lori,
This really isn't a problem. When you give him the oral portion of the review he can write the numbers down, then add them. If you say it twice that should give him enough time to write it and check to be sure he wrote down the right numbers before he adds them. He is still doing the work mentally without using an abacus or a calculator.