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Re: Geometry Worksheet 150

Dear Julia and Liam,

Wow, your questions took some thinking (and revising). The answer to #1 should be 8; #11 was supposed to be a regular hexagon. It is now. But now #2 isn't right. There are two answers: the hexagon (size of #4 is now changed to match #11) and the decagon.

As far as your question about the outlines of Platonic solids always giving a polygon. It seems to make sense that they should. But look at the outlines for the tetrahedron and cube in #3, #6, and #8. They aren't regular.

The changes will be on the Correction page soon. Thanks.

Joan A. Cotter

Re: Geometry Worksheet 150

Dear Joan,

Thank you for clearing up our questions. It all makes sense now. I even understand the part about the outlines now.

Julia & Liam