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Chat transcript on "How protections work energetically"

[SandyA] well, I think about all of us are here that
are going to be able to come tonight, so let's get
[SandyA] very possible Dee.
[Sandi Kay] ok
[SandyA] not only did we just have a full moon,
but it was a lunar eclipse at 15 Pisces
[SandyA] so anyone with planets in Gemini, Virgo,
Sagittarius, or Pisces will be affected.
[Sandi Kay] It was cloudy that night :(
[SandyA] the next eclipse is next week - we're right
between the two.
[SandyA] the next one is a solar eclipse at 29
[Sandi Kay] Does that imply anything Sandy?
[Dee] well something is up. energy changes and
all. feel like a preschooler trying to pay attention
to the high schoolteacher
[SandyA] yes it does
[Sandi Kay] between them
[SandyA] for everyone it is a good idea to begin
keeping a diary 2 weeks before the first eclipse
and continuing through until 2 weeks after the
[SandyA] that period will be a 'window' into the
next 6 months of your life.
[Dee] when was the first one?
[Don] moon opposite Pluto, square the sun today
[SandyA] if you are one of the signs I mentioned
above, it may very well give you insights into the
things coming into your life that will change it
[Sandi Kay] Wow, that is strange. I just picked up
my journal again last week or so
[SandyA] yeah Don - energy comes out in
Pisces, empty part of that t-square.....which is
where the eclipse just was.....
[Don] ok
[Thu Sep 14 22:15:32 EDT 2006] Rose
[Dee] hi rose
[Don] hi Rose
[Rose] hi
[Sandi Kay] Hi
[SandyA] Pisces = service, sob stories,
imagination, creativity, low energy or psychism,
[SandyA] hi Rose
[Rose] hi
[SandyA] so then, on with tonight's chat!
[SandyA] you're just in time Rose
[SandyA] tonight we were scheduled to talk about
the protections we use and how they work
[SandyA] let's look at the various protections
used in P1.
[SandyA] who can list them?
[Dee] the balloon
[SandyA] yes
[Dee] white light
[SandyA] ?
[SandyA] yes again Dee
[Don] house cleaning, smugging
[SandyA] anyone else here take P1 yet?
[SandyA] very good Don!
[Don] thank you
[SandyA] ok, since most of you can't remember....
[SandyA] there's putting your right hand on the
back of your neck
[Sandi Kay] Sorry, I don't have the book yet
[SandyA] there's the chakra exercise itself
[Don] is the one we do for the chat in PD1?
[Dee] lol doing and thinking both of those. lol
[SandyA] we'll quiz you when you get it then
Sandi! lol
[Sandi Kay] Deal
[SandyA] also there's meditation.
[SandyA] when you meditate you actually keep
your mind under tight control to keep it empty
and still.
[SandyA] that is a great protection from intruding
[SandyA] so then.
[SandyA] energetically, how do each of these
[SandyA] what is happening, for example, when I
visualize each of my chakras turning a different
[SandyA] and imagine those colors moving up my
spine, as we do in the chakra exercise?
[Dee] vibrates?
[SandyA] what vibrates Dee?
[SandyA] I think you've got it, but I'd appreciate
more of an explanation....
[Don] I think of it as blowing out the carbon,
running the machinefast enough that the natural
flow cleans things out
[Dee] each chakra resinates to certain frequency
and restores balance?
[SandyA] ok Don, but what is the ENERGY doing?
[Don] sustaining us
[SandyA] well Dee, as you focus on each chakra
you are adding energy into it....i.e. - attention is
[SandyA] the energy moving into the chakra will
clean and balance it.
[SandyA] I guess my point is that form follows
[Don] maintaining different levels of our being
here on earth
[SandyA] so if I mentally
[SandyA] 'see' a chakra filling with light
[SandyA] it is actually filling with energy vibrating
at the frequency of that light.
[SandyA] this is why when I have students that
can visualize the exercise but not feel it, I tell
them not to worry - it is really happening
[SandyA] eventually they will learn to feel it not
just see it.
[SandyA] as beginners the first way we become
familiar with energy is by visualizing the white
[SandyA] are you all able to do that now?
[Dee] absolutely
[Don] yes
[Sandi Kay] Yes, I think so
[Rose] yup
[SandyA] and Dee and Don, were you able to do
that easily right from the beginning?
[Don] yes
[Dee] yes
[Dee] can see anything
[SandyA] have either of you done meditation or
visualization or energy work before?
[Sandi Kay] yes
[SandyA] thought so.
[Don] I visualize myself in white light and the
different colors coming into each appropriate
[Don] yes
[SandyA] what about you Sandi?
[Dee] i think i was always able to visualize energy
work came natural and meditation followed
[SandyA] What I have found in my years of
[Sandi Kay] I'm a hypnotherapist so visualizing or
feeling I get
[SandyA] is that unless a new student has done
some kind of creative or visualization activity
[Sandi Kay] Reiki I do so that is energy flow
[SandyA] they usually have difficulty visualizing.
[Sandi Kay] and at work we have maditory
meditations which I think is great
[Dee] didn't have kewl stuff as a kid so imagined
the items appearance.
[SandyA] but those who have either done the
visualization or creative work, or done energy
work, are able to do it quickly.
[SandyA] that is very cool Sandi
[Sandi Kay] yes
[SandyA] anyway, many people initially have great
difficulty visualizing white light, which is where
working with energy usually begins.
[Sandi Kay] I can go into a hypnotic state in
[SandyA] that will aid you in meditation Sandi if
you can maintain consciousness while in that
[Sandi Kay] Maintain is the key word. My mind still
likes to wander
[SandyA] but often those people who can't
visualize easily are better at 'feeling'.
[SandyA] for many people it is easier to
understand how the energy of the exercise they
are doing is working by tuning in and feeling it.
[SandyA] for others, like you Don, an image
suggests what the energy is doing.
[Sandi Kay] I feel. While in hypno training I
learned that people can see like a movie screen.
I sense more than see
[SandyA] people who 'feel' it usually learn through
the feeling to visualize, and vice versa.
[SandyA] through these classes Sandi you will
become more visual too.
[Sandi Kay] I agree
[SandyA] anyway - Don describes the chakra
exercise as a sort of rotor router.
[SandyA] I feel it more as an energizing of all the
chakras that raises consciousness.
[SandyA] but it is through the visualization and/or
the feeling we get as we are doing it that we
become sensitive to what the energy is doing,
and how it works.
[SandyA] every protection we do actually works
because 'energy' is moving around or through
us in a protective manner.
[SandyA] it is not just visualization, though to the
beginner it feels that way.
[SandyA] it amazes many of our students that in
P2 when they raise their 'cone of power' - the
7th chakra in the aura over the head, they can
actually feel it.
[SandyA] so then, in putting the white light around
us we are drawing energy to us more intensely
than when we don't focus on the light.
[SandyA] if we do it correctly the white light
permeates us and flows through and around us,
so it is also centering and clearing.
[SandyA] someone who gets REALLY good at
working with the white light can use that energy
flow to clear negativity out of themselves or a
[SandyA] raise the mental and emotional space
around them.
[SandyA] even push people situations that are
negative away with the force of that light.
[SandyA] remember, light is energy.
[SandyA] if I produce enough of it, it becomes like
the charge of an electric eel around me.
[LisaFree] it is nice to use in a crowed room
[SandyA] most of us don't spend enough time on
it to get it that focused, but we can do it.
[SandyA] yup. gets people to move away from
you if you want.
[SandyA] also attracts positive things to you.
[LisaFree] yes... works wonderfully in WalMart at
[Sandi Kay] love that!
[SandyA] now the chakra exercise is directing
energy via visualization into each chakra, then
sending that energy up your spine and out your
[SandyA] so each chakra, or energy center in
your body is energized.
[SandyA] so the chakra exercise can be the rotor
router Don suggested, or the raising of
consciousness that I did.
[SandyA] but it also helps to heal every part of
your body every time you do it.
[SandyA] and it trains your system to be able to
carry more energy and vibrate to a higher level.
[SandyA] are you folks following all this?
[Rose] yes
[Sandi Kay] Does the raise in energy keep you
from sleeping?
[SandyA] the basic concept here is that form
follows thought, and energy is directed via your
[Dee] oh sorry nodded off. lol. yes ma'am
[Sandi Kay] wee
[Sandi Kay] well
[SandyA] it could affect your sleeping Sandi
[SandyA] hard to sleep when your really
[Sandi Kay] it seems as though the more spiritual
I become the less I need sleep....but I like sleep
[SandyA] so initially even if you don't 'feel' the
energy, your focus carries the energy to where
you want it to go.
[SandyA] you just really need to KNOW that for it
to be so.
[SandyA] now, most people really feel the right
hand on the back of the neck very strongly.
[SandyA] in fact, many people just do that
[SandyA] why does that work so well do you
think? what does it do?
[Sandi Kay] I'm out of the loop with this one
[SandyA] well Sandi, while you sit at your
computer put your right palm on the back of your
neck and just leave it there for a few minutes.
[SandyA] see what you feel.
[SandyA] anyone else?
[Sandi Kay] almost instint relaxation
[Dee] right side send energy right?
[Don] 5th chakra backdoor? lower brain stem,
[SandyA] yes. both hands are good senders but
your right hand sends more strongly than your
[SandyA] actually don the throat chakra is the
upper reflection of the root chakra.
[SandyA] but yes, it is one of the body's most
receptive spots.
[Don] so security?
[SandyA] also immediately above it is where the
energy crosses over from left to right and vice
[SandyA] actually, when you put your hand there
2 things are happening....
[SandyA] first, you are covering that receptive
area and thereby blocking unwanted stuff from
coming in.
[SandyA] at the same time you are completing a
closed circuit in your body, enhanced by the way
by putting your tongue on the soft pallet of your
upper mouth.
[SandyA] that closed circuit increases the overall
energy circulating in the body.
[SandyA] so that exercise is both protective and
energizing at the same time.
[SandyA] it is very subtle, yet has a strong affect.
[SandyA] how do you think the energy balloon
[LisaFree] so, because that particular area is so accepting,
you would not want someone else to put there
hand there, would you?
[LisaFree] oops... sorry
[SandyA] good point Lisa
[SandyA] I have often seen men or women who
were interested in someone romantically put
their hand on the back of the person's neck.
[SandyA] it is a very aggressive action.
[SandyA] an attempt to 'claim ownership' in a
sense of that person
[Thu Sep 14 22:50:17 EDT 2006] dee2
[SandyA] by sending an influx of your energy into
[SandyA] hi Dee.
[SandyA] hope no one here does that....
[Dee] froze up.
[SandyA] now if you are already in a relationship
with the person that might be nice.....
[Sandi Kay] no, but that is fasinating
[SandyA] but if not, give them a swift kick or
< lol
[SandyA] Sandi it is amazing how 'average'
people often use energy techniques without
even concsiously being aware.
[SandyA] after all we live in a world that is energy
[SandyA] many people do subconsciously
understand that.
[Sandi Kay] makes sense
[SandyA] here is another exercise that isn't in P1
that works very well.
[SandyA] if you feel that someone is trying to do
that full court 'body press' thing on you - like a
used car salesman trying to sell you on
[Sandi Kay] yuk
[Sandi Kay] know what you mean
[SandyA] visualize the white light around you,
color the outside blue, and spin it around you
from head to foot....going into the ground under
your feet and then back up
[SandyA] kind of like a car tire.
[SandyA] whatever that person was sending your
way just gets tracked under the 'light tire' and
you won't be affected.
[SandyA] of course, if you are doing your
meditations....and especially your chakra will alter your vibration and such
a person probably wouldn't bother you to begin
[SandyA] well, we are coming to a close .... does
anyone have a topic they'd like to discuss next
[Dee] palm up prana recharge is one of my
favorite energy treat. invigorating :)
[SandyA] yes Dee that exercise from P1 is
[SandyA] how about you picking for a change
[SandyA] what do you think would be a good
[Rose] thinking
[SandyA] as a topic?
[LisaFree] that would be a good topic
[LisaFree] lol
[SandyA] lol
[LisaFree] psych
[Rose] no
[Rose] i am thinking of a topic
[SandyA] how about free will and responsibility?
[Rose] how about something from p2
[Rose] that wil work too
[SandyA] like aura colors and what they mean?
[LisaFree] responsibility... heavy topic
[Sandi Kay] Sounds good to me Sandy
[SandyA] or how the 'worldwide psychic energy
grid' works?
[Sandi Kay] Aura colors and what they
she is jumping up and down
[Rose] sounds good, i am up to anything'
[LisaFree] that's also fascinating
[Dee] oooohhhhhh. they all sound good
[LisaFree] dealer's choice
[SandyA] well, let's take a vote and pick one....the
others can go on hold for now...
[LisaFree] psychic energy grid
[Don] grid
[Dee] energy grid :)
[SandyA] ok
[Sandi Kay] looks like grid it is :)
[SandyA] lisa, will you post it, and the chat
[Dee] yeah
[SandyA] cool.
[SandyA] well, I'm off then.
[LisaFree] yes Ma'am
[SandyA] thanks for joining me everyone!
[Sandi Kay] Good night Sandy and all!
[Rose] good night
[Dee] good nite sandy
[Don] thanks Sandy, everybody
[SandyA] see you next week!
[Don] have a good week folks