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Chat transcript on Energy and it's Effects.... (see inside)

[SandyA] Anyway, here I am.
[SandyA] How is everyone?
[LisaFree] welcome to your chat,
[Vahe] Doing well...thx for all your feedback
[Thomas] great thx
[SandyA] lol
[SandyA] Vahe, I briefly went over those guided
visualizations you sent, and they look good.
[SandyA] go ahead and fax your aptitude test.
[SandyA] How many of you here are studying P1?
[Vahe] Thank you... the test is just as fun as the
[Vahe] ok, thx
[SandyA] glad you're having fun Vahe.
[Dee] I am taking a second look at P1.
[Vahe] :)
[Melissa] i am on p1
[SandyA] good
[Thomas] even i go back to P1 every now and
[SandyA] then my next comment will work for all
of you....
[Vahe] If you need to partner up Melissa you can
email me
[SandyA] I think it is very important to spend extra
time on P1 because it is the basis for everything
you will learn in your psychic development.
[SandyA] and each time you go over it you will get
more out of it.
[Melissa] ok thank you so much i have been
worring about that!!!!
[SandyA] and yes Vahe, working with Melissa in
addition to your wife is a good idea; it is best to
work with numerous partners.
[SandyA] both of you - the practice is imperative.
[Vahe] Okay
[SandyA] feel free to work in our chat room too.
[Melissa] ok
[Vahe] sounds good
[SandyA] I also feel that you need to make certain
practices a daily regiment.
[SandyA] sitting meditation and the chakra
exercise are important to do every day.
[SandyA] the other exercises in P1 should be
used often enough that they become automatic.
[SandyA] right Thomas?
[SandyA] Lisa, do you have anything to add to all
[Thomas] yup by now i can go through them
[Vahe] Can you elaborate on automatic
[SandyA] Lisa also teaches P1, P2, and P3 here
at the store.
[LisaFree] Just what you have said, Sandy... P1 is the
foundation of everything we build upon and it's
very important to get a grasp from the ground
[SandyA] well, for example, if I'm low on energy
my right hand automatically goes to my neck.
[Vahe] ok
[Thomas] if i have a really sluggish day ill sit and
do a chakra exercise
[SandyA] when I enter a place where I'm
uncomfortable, I automatically find myself
creating my energy balloon.
[SandyA] whenever I'm in the car, I put it in the
energy balloon automatically.
[LisaFree] that's something I use every single day
[Vahe] Basically, doing exercises without even
realizing it?
[SandyA] exactly.
[Vahe] ok. Thanks
[SandyA] to get to that point, you need to use them
all many times throughout each day.
[SandyA] you almost have to look for
opportunities to use them!
[SandyA] you are learning so much in P1 -
exercises, meditations, guided visualizations,
philosophies, values, protections, that you don't
even realize it.
[SandyA] when you go back over the tapes after
you think you've already learned it all, you'll find,
as Dee is, that there is still more there!
[SandyA] and that leads us to tonight's chat....
[SandyA] energy.
[SandyA] because in P1 you are learning the
basics of how psychic energy works.
[SandyA] and in P2 you will actually begin to work
with it more directly.
[SandyA] Lisa, who chose 'energy' for tonight's
[LisaFree] Well... I think I mentioned it after Vahe had said
something about his computer going
[Vahe] lol
[SandyA] ok.
[SandyA] then since it is yours and Vahe's topic,
I'll let you lead off....and I'll join in!
[Vahe] computer, then internet, then printer.
forced to chat last thurs. from the library
[SandyA] I know the feeling Vahe.
[SandyA] Uranus went retrograde.
[Vahe] I spent four hours with the Dell technician,
DSL tech came out two days later
[SandyA] Uranus rules mechanical and electrical
[Vahe] wow
[LisaFree] and just how long is it going to be that way,
[SandyA] yes, but it can't break something that
doesn't have a glitch in it already....
[SandyA] so look at it as the transit giving you the
opportunity to fix a problem....
[Vahe] interesting
[SandyA] usually about 5 months for Uranus,
[LisaFree] great...
[Thomas] oh great!
[SandyA] we feel it most at the beginning of the
period, or if it activates something in our own
[SandyA] it does it every year.....
[SandyA] perfectly normal.
[SandyA] at any rate, back to 'energy
[SandyA] Uranus, incidentally, rules
electromagnetic energy
[SandyA] Pluto rules nuclear energy
[Vahe] In PD1 you mention Sandy that uranus
goes into retrograde every seven yrs?
[SandyA] Mars rules your energy level.
[SandyA] no.....Saturn makes a hard aspect to
itself every 7 years.
[Vahe] ok
[SandyA] that is probably what you are thinking of.
[Vahe] hence why it is important to keep reviewing
[SandyA] Uranus takes about 7 years to go
through a sign. But that is approximate.
[SandyA] ahh. PD1 is not about Astrology.
[Vahe] lol, true
[SandyA] however, as an astrologer I find it is
sometimes interesting to watch the planet's
affects on us.
[LisaFree] so what we were sort of discussing is how "our"
energy can effect things around us... like
computers and such..
[SandyA] and it helps my students to know there
is a reason for some of the weird things we
encounter that throw us off for a period and then
[SandyA] exactly.
[SandyA] and Vahe had a combination of things
going on there.
[Vahe] hi melissa.. you can email me at
[SandyA] very likely the transit of Uranus through
of either his or his wife's 'energy' for a time
[Vahe] or anyone else
[SandyA] i.e. - he became more emotional than
[Melissa] thank you soooo much
[SandyA] or more scattered.
[Vahe] way emotional.. lol
[SandyA] and emotion equates to electro
magnetic energy
[SandyA] now since his computer and other
electronic equipment around his house
[SandyA] already had a 'fault'
[SandyA] that needed work
[SandyA] he was readily able to affect it
[SandyA] and began having all these break
[SandyA] he would not have been able to affect
new equipment so readily.
[SandyA] does that make sense folks?
[LisaFree] so his energy did not "cause" the fault... it simply
played on it.. is that right?
[SandyA] it is like if you have a power line that is
unbroken, you can't get into it.
[SandyA] but if there is a fault in the wire
somewhere, you can cause it to bleed or overtax
[SandyA] exactly Lisa.
[Vahe] it makes sense Sandy
[SandyA] I find that if I don't use good quality
electronic equipment I destroy it quickly
[SandyA] and when I get emotional my electric
bills go away up.
[SandyA] lol
[LisaFree] because your energy over powers the energy of
the equipment?
[SandyA] likewise I'm sure that Thomas has
noticed that during a month when he does a lot
of ritual work his electric bills are higher, lol.
[Melissa] wow this is interesting
[SandyA] most electrical systems have a fault in
them somewhere.
[SandyA] as we become better and better at
working with electromagnetic energy we can
literally pull the electricity right out of the walls.
[LisaFree] how does that work??
[Vahe] wow
[SandyA] my x-husband used to be able to put
out a whole street of traffic lights when he was
tired. As he passed they'd blink out and then
back on, lol.
[Vahe] along the lines of creating an object from
thin air?
[Melissa] my ex always did that and you are the
first person i ever knew to understand what we
were talking about
[SandyA] like I said Lisa, electrical systems
mostly have faults somewhere in them. we 'pull'
on that electricity, which is also electromagnetic
in nature, through the fault.
[SandyA] vahe, I couldn't say. I haven't got that far
yet, lol.
[Vahe] lol
[SandyA] so you can damage electrical
equipment by either draining the energy out of it,
or overloading it!
[Vahe] I bet you will
[SandyA] my x used to pull it out; I mostly cause
my problems by overloading it.
[SandyA] as you develop your psychic abilities it
is a good idea to keep this in good,
solid products, and use them in a calm state.
[Melissa] we just thought it was someone on the
other side tring to give him a message??????
[SandyA] If you are like me and get easily
frustrated with your computer, you should make
a rule that when you are upset with it you don't
use it.
[Vahe] lol Melissa
[SandyA] most likely not, melissa, though
electricity is one of the few things folks on the
other side CAN affect - so it is possible.
[Melissa] ok
[SandyA] now, just like we can pull energy out of
a wall or overload a circuit, we can do the same
with one another.
[SandyA] Don't we all know someone that is so
hyper and emotional that it takes enormous
energy to deal with them?
[Vahe] Yep
[SandyA] that isn't because that person is
draining our is because they dump so
much on us that we have to block or we become
[Vahe] half the people out there
[Vahe] interesting
[SandyA] I agree vahe.
[SandyA] everyone complains about not having
enough energy - yet I believe most people
actually have the opposite problem.
[Melissa] little children do that to me if i am
around them to long??????
[SandyA] they have so much that they can't
ground it fast enough and it wears them out.
[SandyA] exactly melissa.
[SandyA] people need to be taught to clear
themselves more frequently than they do, and
also to ground their excess energy.
[SandyA] they would be healthier, happier, and
less stressed out if they all did that.
[SandyA] you are learning many of those things in
your 'P' classes.
[Vahe] like walking on grass bare feet
[SandyA] yup. A great way to ground.
[SandyA] what are some other ways folks, that
you use to clear yourselves and 'ground'?
[Vahe] I keep my dog away from a portion of our
grass :)
[SandyA] lol
[Melissa] maybe that is why i always want to go
bare foot
[SandyA] good possibility melissa.
[SandyA] Lisa, what are some of the things you
do to 'ground' yourself and clear excess or
negative energy?
[Vahe] house clearing
[SandyA] very good Vahe.
[Dee] Visualize great roots burrowing in to the
ground from me. THen drawing up mothers
earth clean energy and purging it from the my
crown chakra to be reused by the universe.
[LisaFree] take salt baths.... hug a tree... lay flat on the
[Vahe] very cool Dee
[SandyA] If your house is cleared, it is easy for
you to stay clear and grounded.
[SandyA] I like your visualization Dee.
[SandyA] Thanks for sharing.
[SandyA] Lisa also listed 3 very good techniques.
[Dee] i can see as well as feel the energies.
[SandyA] Lisa, you and JC are teaching a crystal
class tomorrow evening - can you recommend
some crystals that could be used?
[SandyA] very cool Dee.
[Melissa] take a 1/4 of a nerve pill ha ha
[SandyA] well, that deadens your senses
melissa, so you don't 'feel' it. But do you really
think it gets rid of the excess?
[LisaFree] Clear quartz is always a favorite..... but it has to
be cleared.... hematite is good for grounding... as
is rose quartz
[Vahe] thx for that
[SandyA] Rose quartz is also very good for heart
or emotional issues. Balances you.
[LisaFree] very much so
[Melissa] probably not just gets me thru
[SandyA] what you might do melissa is use the
pill when you need it, but then when you are
calm go through a clearing and grounding
[Melissa] ok thank you
[SandyA] One of our students who recently
graduated our teacher certification program
[SandyA] had serious problems with panic
attacks when he first started the program
[SandyA] after learning and applying all of the
mediations and exercises, and REALLY using
[SandyA] he no longer needs the medication he
was on
[SandyA] or has the panic attacks.
[Melissa] that is wonderful
[SandyA] the medication is a crutch only until you
can do it yourself.
[SandyA] I also like 2 of the techniques Lisa
mentioned above particularly well.
[Melissa] ok i am going to think of it that way
thank you
[SandyA] the salt bath, or a shower where you
use a scrubbie with some salt, is awesome.
[SandyA] of course I am in love with water.
[SandyA] when I am in the water I see it cleansing
my entire aura
[SandyA] the salt in the water enhances that
affect dynamically
[SandyA] because salt is a natural electrolyte
[SandyA] a wonderful grounding agent.
[LisaFree] and it just plain feels
[SandyA] excess and/or negative energy is
attracted to the salt crystals, and leaves you to
bond with the salt. And goes down the drain.
[SandyA] yup.
[SandyA] the other thing I love to do is to lie with
my back right on the floor.
[SandyA] your spine is an antenna for psychic
[SandyA] so excess energy always ends up
clinging there.
[SandyA] lying your back on the floor, knees
tucked up and feet and palms flat, is a perfect
grounding posture.
[SandyA] that only takes a minute or two to do,
and you feel great after.
[Vahe] I feel excess energy in my root and spleen
[Melissa] what if you have alot of severe spine
problems and cervical fusions/inflammation?
[SandyA] very likely you are a person who is what
I refer to as a '**** magnet' (pardon the lingo)
[Vahe] lol
[SandyA] that means that you are the dumping
ground for most of the people you know
[SandyA] and it all clings to your spine
[Melissa] oh my
[Vahe] that is me too :(
[SandyA] and has helped to create the injuries
you suffered.
[SandyA] keeping your spine clear will help to get
it in better shape.
[Melissa] :(
[SandyA] It is important to move the bones of
your spine around to keep the discs flushed with
[SandyA] if many are fused, you still need to
move the flexible ones around. The movement
releases the tension.
[Melissa] ok
[SandyA] so stretch your back, move it, and
consciously ground it. And take salt baths where
you are totally immersed.
[SandyA] you'll be amazed at how much that
[SandyA] well, folks, we are at 11pm, time to end
[Melissa] thank you so much i accept all
[SandyA] do we have a topic picked yet for next
week, or do we want to further explore the world
of 'energy'?
[Vahe] thanks Sandy, Lisa and everyone
[Melissa] thank you again!
[LisaFree] I think we could go further into this topic...
[LisaFree] just my thought anyone else??
[Vahe] sure
[Melissa] great
[Vahe] can I get the fax number to send PD test?
[Dee] suit me.
[LisaFree] good... then I will post a continuation of this
[Melissa] sorry about asking so many questions
[Thu Aug 31 23:06:34 EDT 2006] Sandy
[LisaFree] if that's ok with you, Sandy??
[LisaFree] awwwwww...... she had left
[SandyA] so, what topic did we pick?
[LisaFree] a continuation of this one... if that is ok with you..
[SandyA] got thrown off...
[SandyA] that's fine. it's a great topic.
[LisaFree] it was a hands down vote....
[SandyA] see you all next week then!
[Vahe] thx Sandy
[SandyA] goodnight!
[Melissa] thanks bye
[Vahe] goodnight everyone