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Chat transcript on Ghost Hunters

[Thomas] tonight’s topic is on Ghost Hunting!!!
[David] I'm scared! Ahhhhhhhhh
[David] lol
[LisaF] first you have to walk very, very quietly to sneak
up on them
[Lila] I have my sneakers on
[Lesley] lol
[Thomas] then you swipe your net at them and
hope that they don't get through it
[David] LOL
[Lila] very quietly
[LisaF] but they will.... cause they are magick
[LisaF] hehehehehehehehehehehe
[Thomas] lol
[Lila] lol
[Thomas] ok so what do you folks want to know
about ghost hunting? let me hear some
[Lila] how and where
[David] ooohhh!
[Thomas] well there are some tools that ghost
hunters use would you like me to go over some
of them?
[David] Can Psychics Ghost hunt? I thought that
was only for Parapsychologist
[David] Yes!
[LisaF] I can answer that in just 3
[Thomas] yes David....they actually make the
best ones as long as they separate metaphysics
from Scientifics
[LisaF] anyone can hunt for ghosts... just like anyone
can swim
[Lila] begins witl the letter...???
[Lila] with
[LisaF] just because you are not a professional does not
mean you cant' do
[David] ty
[Thomas] so lets go over some of the scientific
tools that you can use to do this
[Thomas] sound good?
[Lesley] yes
[Thomas] EMF Detector, Digital Camera, Video
Camera, Digital Thermometers, Motion
Sensors, Night Vision Equipment...and a whole
lot more but that is the basics
[Thomas] plus a digital recorder
[Thomas] where do you guys think that you are
likely to find Ghosts?
[Lesley] in a house
[Lila] cemetery
[Lila] ??
[LisaF] WalMart
[Lesley] an old boat
[David] anywhere
[Thomas] there it is
[LisaF] yeppers... anywhere
[Thomas] you can find them anywhere
[Lila] or they can find
[Thomas] keep in mind though that if you do an
investigation you may need certain permits in
order to be places after dark
[Thomas] as well as permission from owners
and such if it is a home or business
[Thomas] the premise of ghost hunting is to find
physical proof using scientific methods that
ghosts exist
[David] can those equipments be rented out?
[David] lol
[Lila] at your ghost equipment store
[LisaF] lol
[David] LOL
[Thomas] they may David, best place to look folks
is online
[Thomas] but some simple things like recorders
and cameras you can find at wal-mart or circuit
city or radio shack
[David] thanks thomas!
[Thomas] have you guys ever heard of an
[Lesley] no
[Thomas] it stands for Electronic Voice
[David] yea but forget what it means?
[Thomas] and it is recordings of ghost voices
caught on tape
[Thomas] usually amidst some other sound or
[Thomas] you sometimes have to listen carefully
for them
[Thomas] but it is something that you can ll easily
do on your own
[Thomas] simply get a digital recorder and ask
questions into it
[Thomas] pause in between and then listen to it
on playback to se if you hear an answer
[Lila] have you tried it Thomas?
[Thomas] yea many times
[Lesley] did it work?
[Thomas] and i have gotten a few things that i
would consider to be answers or voices
[David] wow!
[Lila] fantastic
[Lesley] can you do that with spirit too
[David] like guides?
[Thomas] you can certainly try
[Lesley] I just really wanting to talk with a
[Thomas] but keep in mind that ghost and spirits
are two different things
[David] yes, from our previous topic
[Thomas] ghosts are bound to this physical world
for some reason or another, spirits are not part
of this physical world at all
[Thomas] Why are you folks interested in Ghost
[Lila] always been fascinated
[Lesley] might be a good that to do on a Sunday
[David] to find scientific evidence
[Lila] believe we can communicate
[David] which is neat but not necessary
[Thomas] and if you look online you may find a
local ghost hunter that may be willing to take you
on a job with them as long as you follow the
[Lila] I can follow
[Lila] lol
[David] lol
[Thomas] lol
[Thomas] so do you folks have questions?
[Lesley] do ghost real come out more on
[Lila] where did you hunt Thomas
[Thomas] Lesley, it is said that the veil between
worlds is at it's thinnest during Halloween, but i
wouldn't say that they come out more during that
[Thomas] Lila, i have been to a few cemeteries
but that is all as of currently
[Lila] did you come across any there?
[David] Is it really much easier to connect with
spirt during Halloween?
[Thomas] nothing that i was able to get proof
with, but i did feel that they were around
[David] spirit*
[LisaF] some would say so, David
[Lila] I have always loved walking in a cemetery
[Lesley] are there more ghost in cemeteries
[Lila] even as a teenager
[David] hmmm
[Thomas] not necessarily Lesley, as we said
Ghosts can be anywhere
[LisaF] David... think about this...
[Lesley] o it's just in stories
[LisaF] Because of 'Halloween', and what it means to
people.. the energy is much higher and more
folks try and make connections
[David] So, psychically, what would you
recommend to prepare for such an adventure/
[David] ?
[Thomas] Lesley, the premise of ghosts in
cemeteries comes from the fact that their
physical bodies are there, however
[Thomas] many of them tend to stay in the places
that they are most emotionally connected to
[David] That makes perfect sense Lisa!
[Lila] great answer Lisa!
[Thomas] David...PROTECTIONS<
asked that as well!!!
[Lesley] I get that Thomas I think I've lived in a few
apartments that had ghost
[David] yah!
[Lila] great answer Thomas
[Thomas] and if any any reason you fell
uncomfortable LEAVE
[David] yes sir!
[Thomas] as i said, psychics can be great at this
because we can sense where the ghost may be
and then get the scientific info from there
[David] it makes a great partnership!
[Lesley] what if a ghost is connected to a person
and just follows that person everywhere what
would that person do
[LisaF] That person might wish to try and find out 'who'
the ghost is.. why they are connected to them.
[Thomas] they should sage themselves and re
protect Lesley, ghosts should not be attached like
[LisaF] that might tell you what you could do to 'let them
[Lesley] just wondering because I think I know
someone like that thanks
[David] I've seen mediums on T.V. talking with
Ghost but they don't try to help them cross over?
[David] what are the ethics to this?
[Thomas] you’re into a different set of things there
[David] oh
[Thomas] Ethics of a medium in that aspect is
completely different from a medium like Lisa for
[Thomas] and with each medium that does the
ghost hunting work im sure you will find that they
all feel differently about the situation
[David] I see
[Thomas] personally i do not know what ethics
that they would follow, but i feel that it may be on
a more personal level to them
[David] thanks Thomas!
[David] great
[Lesley] I know it's kind of a funny question but do
guides talk with ghost and or spirits who maybe
around a person?
[Thomas] it;s possible Lesley
[LisaF] I know that when I am doing a mediumship
reading, Lesley, there are times when my guides
help me to connect with those who have
crossed over by helping me understand what
message they are trying to convey
[Lesley] thank you Lisa I'll remember that
[Lesley] (:
[LisaF] this is not something that just anyone should be
[LisaF] remember folks... connecting with those who
have crossed over can be very rewarding or
very debilitating, depending.
[LisaF] but that is a topic for a different chat
[David] agreed!
[Lesley] why would it be debilitating?
[Lila] I agree also
[Lesley] just one question out topic
[LisaF] e-mail me that question later Lesley and I will
give you an entire array of answers
[Thomas] maybe a topic that we can discuss in
depth for next week
[Lila] good topic!!!!
[Lesley] ok
[David] awesome!
[Thomas] ok folks any last minute questions
before we end our session tonight?
[Thomas] Ok then.....
[David] Say if you're taking someone with
you....could we protect them by visualizing a
blue light shield around them?
[Thomas] next week we will chat more about the
importance of protections in our psychic work
[Thomas] where are you taking them David?
[LisaF] lol
[Lila] lol
[David] say a friend
[Lila] ghost hunting??
[David] and they don't know about protections
[LisaF] a friend...there... I said it
[David] yes
[Thomas] then yes david you can blue bubble
[David] ok
[David] just wanted to be sure
[LisaF] and white light, David
[David] thank you thomas!
[Thomas] np
[Lila] GREAT CHAT!!!
[LisaF] cant' have too many protections but you can
have too few
[David] yah for white light!
[David] Thanks lisa!
[Thomas] ok folks that's all i have for you tonight,
[David] Good night all and safe & happy Hollow's
[Lesley] night Thomas night David night Lila night
[Lila] Nite Lesley...nite David
[LisaF] good nigth everyone
[David] night Lesley ,Lila, Lisa, & Thomas!
[Lila] Nite Lisa...nite Thomas
[Thomas] night all..Happy Halloween, Merry
Harvest, Happy New Year, Happy Samhain!!!