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Saturday Ride and Potluck Canceled

Due to the forecast of 100% chance of rain and high winds for tomorrow, we are sadly canceling the end of season ride and potluck at Red Oak Pottery.

It does look like we will be able to get our last Sunday ride in from Christiana Elementary at 2:00 – but watch the message board for updates. Planning to ride 23 miles from Christiana Elementary School

Please plan to attend the Ride and Membership meeting/elections at Christ Baptist Church on November 9 – on that date we will grill all these hamburgers, veggie burgers, and hotdogs I have stored in my freezer…..

Can a couple of you volunteer to bring a grill and some charcoal so we can cook up this food?

I’ve adjusted the date and location on the Perfect Potluck Website – and left those of you who signed up on the page – but you can go in and edit if necessary.

Hope to see you out there!

Ride. Your. Bike!

Re: Saturday Ride and Potluck Canceled

I can bring the charcoal and a grill. I have a big new bag left over from buying to much this summer.

Re: Saturday Ride and Potluck Canceled

I'll bring a grill, charcoal, and lighter fluid.

Re: Saturday Ride and Potluck Canceled

Thanks Patrick and Patty! I'll bring the beef burgers, veggie burgers and dogs, buns, mustard, catsup, pickle relish, cheese, lettuce and tomatoes.

Everyone else sign up on Perfect Potluck to bring the rest.