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Mark your Calendar and Save these Dates

While his birthdate is actually December 20, we are planning an 80 mile ride to celebrate Dave Becker’s 80th Birthday on October 19, rolling out at 8:00 am from Rockvale Elementary (not to worry, I’ll have some shorter routes available)

End of season club ride and pot luck. Saturday October 26 at home of Judy and Bill Heim 2925 Spain Hill Road, Lascassas. 8:00 ride and then plan to start eating between 11:30-12:00 - more details to come.

2020 MBC Officer Election and membership meeting will either be November 9 or 16, waiting for confirmation from Pastor Brown at Christ Baptist Church at 2419 Midland Fosterville Road, Bell Buckle, TN 37020, but wanted to get this on your radar.

Annual Holiday/Christmas Party will be December 7 at the Readyville Mill 6:00 pm. Stay tuned for more details.

Annual Chili Ride and Mileage Awards Ride. January 4 at 2419 Midland Fosterville Road, Bell Buckle, TN 37020.

Ride. Your. Bike!

Re: Mark your Calendar and Save these Dates

I have confirmed November 9th as the official membership ride, eat, meet and election at Christ Baptist Church. Stay tuned for details.