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Jono injured yesterday

Kala Sims has informed me that Jono has had an accident and broken his leg. She said to post this on our message board.

From Kala: "Short story is, labor Day Jono fell 16 feet from hanging a tree stand when a limb he was holding onto broke. He has a very nasty break in both his tibia & ankle in his left leg that require surgery as well as other fractures. He is having surgery at Vanderbilt this morning by a surgeon that specializes in bone trauma of this nature. No weight can be put on this leg for 3 months and will have extensive rehab. That he cycles so much and is in good shape will help the process. Thankfully he enjoyed the Clarksville Sunrise Century last Saturday but is disappointed to miss the BRAT this year. prayers for recovery are definitely appreciated."

Re: Jono injured yesterday

Prayers for a quick recovery! Let us know how we can help out during recovery!