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Thursday 5:30pm CZ ride -- Miller's

Nobody left behind. I will sweep so if you want to ride on out in front please print your own cue sheet or have route loaded to your GPS of choice. Wheels roll at 5:30. Helmets required, blinkies are good. Feel free to contact me with any questions. 931-205-1590

Re: Thursday 5:30pm CZ ride -- Miller's

Biggs, You do know there is already a CZ ride from Millers on Thursdays posted each week by Brad, right? Maybe you have already coordinated with him?

Re: Thursday 5:30pm CZ ride -- Miller's

Yes ma'am. Bud can't lead the ride this week. Thank you keeping me straight though.

Re: Thursday 5:30pm CZ ride -- Miller's

My pleasure. See you Thursday.