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Saturday, July 20th Club Ride

Saturday 07/20/2013 from Lascassas Baptist Church - 7:00a.m.

Come out Saturday for a relaxing ride to Watertown. We will depart Lascassas at 7:00a.m. and ride through beautiful cornfields until reaching our first point of interest, Spain Hill.

We will continue our scenic tour on what may be the best tarmac in Middle Tennessee. Many of the roads have been repaved in the past couple of years, so have no fear. You will pass babbling brooks and furry woodland creatures on your way to Watertown. Be sure to take advantage of the store stop for water. Failure to buy water in Watertown will cause you to be dependent upon the benevolence of goat ranchers.

Just so you get your money’s worth, I have included a sufficient amount of climbing, 3363 feet to be exact. But have no fear, there is also 3363 feet of descending. It should be a great day of riding. The link to the route is listed below.

Re: Saturday, July 20th Club Ride

The weather forecast for Saturday looks good. I will have cue sheets available at the ride.

Re: Saturday, July 20th Club Ride

I'm thinking about making this ride, what is the typical average speed for this route? And are there any stops?

Re: Saturday, July 20th Club Ride

It depends a lot on who shows up, but speeds will likely average 16 and higher.
I haven't looked at the route in detail, but there is at least one water stop in Watertown. Appropriate, huh?