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Wed CZ ride from Lascassas Baptist Church (LBC) 7-10-2013 CANCELED

The wednesday night CZ ride from LBC is CANCELED because of rain. It is 2:30 pm and pouring down rsin. Try next week. Ride safe.

Re: Wed CZ ride from Lascassas Baptist Church (LBC) 7-10-2013 CANCELED

Sunshine & hot in Nashville, no sign of rain at all.

Re: Wed CZ ride from Lascassas Baptist Church (LBC) 7-10-2013 CANCELED

I will be there ready to ride. It has stopped now but looks like rain. I will be at LBC at 5:30pm ready to ride rain or shine so we can decide.

Re: Wed CZ ride from Lascassas Baptist Church (LBC) 7-10-2013 CANCELED

Pu & Bill, did you outrun the storm? It came by my house around 6:30 pm. I worked out after work when the ride was canceled.

Hope you got back okay!

Re: Wed CZ ride from Lascassas Baptist Church (LBC) 7-10-2013 CANCELED

Hope everyone made it back in safe. The storm was crazy out here.

Re: Wed CZ ride from Lascassas Baptist Church (LBC) 7-10-2013 CANCELED

Ride was good with temps down just before the strong plow winds came in--nice tailwind at the end!