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I am wondering is this a road bike club or a cruiser/custom bike club I have a desoto trailmate tricycle and wanting to get into a club and stuff but I want to be in a cruiser and custom bike club text me at 931-224-9515 thanks for all the help

Re: club

Hi Kendall - we are primarily a road bike club with some mountain biking activities and some racing mixed in. However, you may find that our Comfort Zone (CZ) rides work with your tricycle if you are looking for a social group with which to ride.

You might check out Smoopy's Bikes over on E. Main Street in Murfreeboro. They may be aware of a cruiser/custom bike club in the area.

Ride safe!


Re: club ... an alternative

Not familiar with this group but saw them on ...

Murfreesboro Slow Ride Cyclists