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Tuesday Sharpsville 5:30 ~ 32 Mi

L Halls Hill
L Guy James
L Browns Mill
Cross Hy 96
L Jefferson Pike
R Valley View
R McKee
R JW Jordan
R Jordan
L Spain Hill Rd
R St Johns
Cross to Dillon
R Greenvale
R North Milton
R Oregon
L (straight) Weatherly
R Bradley Creek
to Givens
R Overall
R Browns Mill
L Guy James
R Halls Hill

Re: Tuesday Sharpsville 5:30 ~ 32 Mi

Here's the GPS:

Re: Tuesday Sharpsville 5:30 ~ 32 Mi

Bob sorry you had bike trouble. Oh by the way you need to change the mileage on tonight's route to 35 miles. (Both Janey and I got 34.8 following your cue-sheet) Thanks- it was a good route!