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Saturday CZ Ride 6/1/13

CZ ride will leave from Lascassas Baptist Church at 8:00AM. Main route below is 22.7 hilly miles. Should be a good challenge for the CZ group. There is a good place to cut this route to 15 miles if anyone needs something shorter. I will be riding and Susan Barber will be sweeping.

CZ Main route

For those who want to add some miles, here is another route that starts where the main route ends. This adds another 20 miles but can be easily cut to 10. Either option includes Spain Hill. Neither Susan nor I plan to ride the extra miles so it will be a consensus ride.

Extra CZ miles

I will bring some cue sheets for both routes.

Mike Lenox 615-713-1171
Susan Barber 615-513-6770

Re: Saturday CZ Ride 6/1/13

Thanks Mike! It was a great ride and big fun!!! :)