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Ride of Silence - Help Needed

I tried riding tonight, but my foot just wasn't ready - so I need a couple of you to step up to help out at tomorrow night's Ride of Silence. I'll be there, but just won't be able to ride.

I need someone to lead - typically that has been Cary Way - so Cary, if you're still willing to lead, let me know. We need to keep the speed around 10 mph.

And I need someone to sweep - typically that has been me - so I really need someone to step up for that - just ride in the very back to make sure everyone finishes safely.

post here, email me at or call me at 202-3072 on Wednesday and let me know if you can help.

See you all at the Rugby Field Wednesday night.



Re: Ride of Silence - Help Needed

Sarah- I can lead the R of S.


I'll sweep

remembering Hollie's cousin.

Re: I'll sweep

Thank you Both!!