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HOT 100 Rest Stop "Captains"

Mark you calendar now: Saturday, August 24, the MBC Hot 100 Bike Ride

I'm the Rest Stop Coordinator for the HOT 100 Bike Ride this year and I need help!

There are four rest stops:

Kim & Scott Silvers' front yard near Four Corners (Lascassas)

I need "captains" for Readyville, Watertown, & Milton. By being a rest stop captain you'll need to be there the entire time the rest stop is open and recruit volunteers to help you. I have names already of folks who can take a shift.

Food, supplies, port-a-potties, etc. will be delivered to you. I just need someone in charge at each rest stop to make sure supplies are adequate for the next "wave" of bikers or coordinate other issues that come up.

Email me at or call 615.714.3610 if you want to be in charge of a rest stop.

Please Support the HOT 100!

Sara P.