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April Newsletter - Delayed

Please forgive the delay in the April Newsletter - the newest editor volunteer is now unable to participate as the newsletter editor - and the webmaster/membership chair/newly unretired newsletter editor's computer died over the weekend - he's still trying to get everything loaded on to the new system, but it is quite time consuming.

We will do our best to get the calendar posted - and hopefully get a letter out before the weekened is over - your patience is appreciated.

If anyone is interested/willing to take on this role, PLEASE contact either me or Steve and let us know. Otherwise, late may be the new normal.

(BTW - does anyone even read anything other than the calendar?)

Re: April Newsletter - Delayed

Good idea- maybe we could just send out the calendar and the other articles could be placed each month on the website for reviewing. Anything that comes up before the next months calendar could be a email blast to members.
My 2 cents worth.

you have mail

call my cell if needed.

Re: April Newsletter - Delayed

I do look through the newsletter, but don't see a need to have it published as a separate document. I'd vote for just putting the calendar on the website, and then articles can get published on the website as they are ready.

Re: April Newsletter - Delayed


Re: April Newsletter - Delayed

That is a big YES for me as well. I like the KISS principal.