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Thursday 5:30pm - Patterson Baptist

The weather for tomorrow afternoon/evening looks perfect for a daylight ride. We have about 90 minutes of daylight, so tonight I'll post a 24 mile route and an 18-20 mile route so everyone can make it back on time.

Re: Thursday 5:30pm - Patterson Baptist

Here are the routes. They are common with the exception of 5 miles in the middle of the longer route. You'll need to average 16mph on the longer route or 12.5mph on the shorter route to finish before sunset. Rear blinkies are highly recommended in case you have a mechanical problem.

Patterson 24.0
Patterson 18.9

Print your own cue sheets. I'll stick around at the end to make sure everyone is back safely.

Re: Thursday 5:30pm - Patterson Baptist

Sounds good Mark! Looks like we finally are getting some spring weather for our ride! See you there!